Good ideas bring great solutions

Sometimes an idea is all that’s needed to change things. Specifically, an idea that is voiced and then implemented. Often, a seemingly brilliant idea pops into our heads that we revel in briefly. Soon the idea can seem far-fetched, menial, or not feasible at that moment. So we shelve it. What happens? We either forget the idea, or it becomes dubious. Sometimes we worry that voicing the idea may bring ridicule or hassle. Often at work, people retain their ideas for fear of being designated the executor of said idea — and who needs extra work?
Ideas make things happen. Bring them to life!
Let me share how my family rallied to tackle the volume of housework generated by the lockdown.
At the onset, things got chaotic at home with all the youngsters back and constantly raiding the pantry, fridge and even shopping bags. There was shopping, unpacking, washing, sanitizing, cooking. Two weeks into the craziness, our sons said to me, “Mom, it’s unfair for you to do all this unexpected work, we can each take turns to cook, wash and dry the utensils and clean up the kitchen afterwards”. Naturally, I approved! The boys created a schedule. Since then, each person cooks one day a week and is allowed a sous-chef. The daily chef gets a break from post-meal clean-up. It runs like clockwork, and everyone is happy!
Admittedly, the boys are gourmet cooks and bakers. Cooking to them is a fun yet serious pastime. Innately creative, they enjoy planning, mise en place and preparing the meals with flair. Plating the resulting meals is an art on its own. Predictably, consuming them is the pinnacle of the effort! Every day is a stunning international gastronomic adventure. Never limited by “traditional” family cuisine, we’ve always been true foodies. Since childhood, my siblings and I dived right into world cuisines as we travelled globally and replicated dishes in our kitchens. That wonder of both travel and culinary experience transferred itself to our children. They regularly dazzle us with their creations — intricate, often time-consuming, delectable dishes made from scratch — no pastes, prepared sauces, flavour enhancers or other aids. All fresh, sustainable, original.
Our family has travelled extensively — well over 100 countries. All that came to an abrupt halt with the pandemic. For now, we enjoy “exploring” the world through the food we eat. Each morning we wake up anticipating the day’s main meal — it adds an air of excitement and drives the whole family to the table, to dine and give thanks together.
That’s one way we’ve managed through crisis very simply, by division of labour. All it took was one idea. If that idea hadn’t been voiced, it would have been me toiling away all day, every day. And alas, there are limits to my creativity…
Counting our blessings and happy to divide and conquer! Let the ideas roll in!
Do you have ideas but don’t know how to proceed? If so, reach out at and let’s voice them!